Saturday 11 August 2012

Summer Time!

I can't believe a MONTH has gone by... I figured I'd be on here everyday with updates and photos and news for you all...  Nope!  You'd almost think having 6 kids home all day everyday would take up some of my time. ;)  It's busy around here.  Some days I get absolutely nothing done at all but I've still been busy.  The days really do fly by so fast... and the nights seem to go even faster :( 

Not much has happened in the last 4 weeks.  I packed A box for moving, we've played at a park or two, BBQ's, birthday parties, the kids had a WONDERFUL week at VBS and we did have 5 amazing days at Qualicum Beach. (post about our vacay to come)

I don't have any photos from VBS but I'll try and get a little video on here for you.  Our kids have gone the past 3 years to VBS at a church called Solid Rock Christian Fellowship.  Talk about a wonderful place to be!  Not only are they so caring and GREAT with our children but they are generous, kind, wonderful, God LOVING people!  They have blessed us unimaginably year after year!  A couple small examples of how amazing they are, you ask???  WELL, first my son found out that he was too old this year to attend VBS, he was devastated!  He asked if he could be a helper and they let him help and participate the whole week.  He wore a staff t-shirt and felt like a super star.  Another example is my sweet 4 year old Ashee.  She has come every year and watched her older siblings get to sing, dance, make crafts, etc and this year she had to watch yet again as she's not quite old enough :(  BUT, there was one SWEET SWEET lady that could just SEE how badly Ashee wanted to be there and she took Ashee everyday to come and sing and dance with her.  She made sure to teach her the actions to the songs and even pulled her on stage to dance in front of everyone.  I wish you could have seen how special my girl felt.  Then on the last night, (they throw a HUGE BBQ for all the families to come eat and see their kids sing and dance) that SWEET SWEET lady went and got Ashee a t-shirt of her own to wear like all the VBS kids got.  So special!
So, if you see a video directly below here it means I figured it out.  If not... then I told you a while back that I'm not at all computer savvy.  : p

[Grrr, Blogger won't let me upload videos.  Any tips from those that can?]

We had some crazy hot days in there too.  We managed to stay cool... 

Nat is rockin the shades

Little poser

Lanny is chillin

Dinner on the deck!

Skooter staying cool

Ashee and Vaeh eating their "dawgs"

Nats and Leefa got the best seats in the yard :)

This is what caffeine/sugar does to your child

Hard to believe that summer is half over.  And as much as I don't even want to think about the kids going back to school yet, I am COMPLETELY done my back to school shopping!  Back packs, check!  Indoor and outdoor shoes, check!  Some new clothes, check!  School supplies, check!   I told the kids I'd give them $5 each if they can make it till Christmas with NO holes in their new pants :)  I'll keep you posted on how that goes.  (Boy will probably wear shorts EVERY day, rain, snow or sleet, just to win the prize.  I'm okay with that) 

I had come home from running a few errands and Lanny was still awake.  I put her down to make her a bottle and she had fallen fast asleep in her bucket seat.  Poor tuckered out baby :)

Lanny has also decided it may be time to walk!!!  She has taken a step or 2 every once in a while.  I get really stupid excited when babies start to walk (even if they're not mine).  There is something SO cool about those first steps :)  I WOULD post a video.... grrr......

I have a few more posts in the works... I just have to find the time to finish them.
Stay tuned for more summer fun and chaos!


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