Monday 9 July 2012

Let's Let The Pictures Do The Talking...

I told you I'd keep you posted on our past weekends adventures... We headed out to beautiful White Rock Beach!  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves... I had to narrow it down from 283 pictures and I think I chose the right ones.... You tell me!

ready for the sun...

this young man is studying to become a marine biologist and taught us a bunch of new things

ashee got to hold a crab for the first time

nats got to hold a crab too

she would have eaten the crab ;)


these teeth won't stay white long....

majestic bird

boy had so much fun exploring

leefa is always working...

...dig dig dig...

vaeh was the yummiest thing on the beach

singing and digging

"mom, i can hear the ocean in this shell" -ashee

handsome fella, if i do say so myself

baby in a bucket... o she had fun :)

remember those white teeth?

still diggin'...


nats catching some sun

seriously, nom nom nom

"whoa, check out what i found."-boy

my 6 beach beauties


hey lady, nice echinoderms you got there...

7 starfish... see the baby one on the end?

we've never seen one with 4 points before... hmmm

bringing them back to their home


leefa, finally relaxing



funny, dirty vaeh

boy must have caught an upwards of 30+ crabs... these 2 were his favorite and he wanted them to fight.  lol.  and even though the guy on the right drew blood from his hand, he still let them pinch away...

love this shot...

"the crab was THIS big" -ashee

making sand castles and trying to dig to china

mommy made vaeh a pile of sand castles...

...and vaeh stomped 'em all down

lanny made sure no one took our stuff

we couldn't dig to china so we settled on digging over ashee

no trip to WR is complete without a visit to the White Rock

our rule was, if you can climb by yourself up the rock, then you could climb by yourself up the rock.  sounds fair to me

go boy go

he made it!!!

crazy cuteness going on here... ridiculous

shhh... sleeping lanny... until...

the train!

There you have it!  What an amazing day!  I wish we could have stayed longer but we had plans for that evening.  But, the summer has just started ;)

See you soon...