Monday 25 June 2012

About A Boy

October 2000.  I was 20 years old.  We were "trying" to get pregnant but I hadn't ever looked into the timing and how to plan it (other than the VERY obvious).  I had taken a couple pregnancy tests the month prior... nothing... but this time I felt different, very different.  There was SOMETHING going on.  So there I went to London Drugs to buy another test... came home and sure enough... My life would change FOREVER!!!

I remember praying and begging asking God to give me a boy.  All I wanted was a boy!  I promised God I would love a girl but a boy would just be so perfect.

I was due June 17, 2001.  PERFECT, that was Father's Day.  The timing could not have been better... June 17 came and went... v e r y   s l o w l y..... it was so hot that summer.  I spent countless days at my moms place in Sumas Prairie just to beat the heat and help pass some time.  (I was not very patient)

Monday June 25th my dear sweet doctor had compassion on me... he told me I could come in to be induced.  I had NEVER heard this word before... I was scared.  I had to call in to the hospital at 7am Monday morning and if they had room for me then voila!  I could have my baby... phew. 
Jarno went to work at 4:30 that morning and the deal was that if we could get in he'd come home, otherwise he'd put in a full day.  At 6am I got up, ate some toast, shaved my legs (lol), got ready and prayed and prayed as I made that call... "What, yes?  There's room?  Ok, we'll be there within the hour.  Thank you!"

I was so nervous.  I had NO idea what to expect.  We had done the prenatal course but I was on my own now. 

I'll save you the long version of this story... (maybe?)  But let's just say being induced wasn't what I thought it would be... it didn't magically get the baby out or speed things up or hurt less.... I spent the night after labouring all day... all long, boring day...

Tuesday June 26.  My doc comes in the room at just before 8am, he took one look at me and ordered an epidural.  S L O W L Y.... so   s l o w l y....  things started to pick up.. things were definitley happening now.  We ended up having a nurse keep a close eye on us (I never did realize until years later how close I came to having a C-section) because the baby's heart rate would drop... WAY down.  Sometimes we would lose the heart beat all together... the nurse would get all flustered, I didn't DARE ask questions, more nurses would come in... it was so unnerving.   But finally, while waiting for my epidural to be topped up I felt the craziest sensation ever... it was GO time.  I didn't push long and there came my baby... 9:59pm

The nurses rushed him over to the table.  In the movies you always get to hold your baby right away but mine was frantically being looked at and worried faces were all over that room.  I didn't even know if the baby was a boy or a girl yet.  Later we found out he had pooped inside me and they thought he had swallowed some mecconium (sp?)  FINALLY, I got to see my baby... A BOY!!!  A BOY!!!!   I GOT MY BABY BOYYYYYY!!!!!!   We were through the MOON with excitement.

We had gone back and forth with names... We decided it would either be Levi or Brandon.. but the minute we laid eyes on that baby boy we both knew his name would be BRANDON!  There was no doubt.

WHAT???  How'd this kid get so big? 

I am so crazy about this boy.  He is such a good kid.  He is kind, respectful, gentle, loving, affectionate, funny, totally weird, stubborn.  Just to name a FEW!  He has such a love for the Lord and he isn't afraid to show it.  He hugs me in front of all his friends, he tells me he loves me, he kisses and hugs and helps his little sisters, he cooks for me, he helps around the house, he prays for me.

It may sound like I'm bragging (I'm allowed to, he's my kid) but I just think this kid deserves to have people know how amazing he is!  I am SO proud of this kid. 

He just graduated from elementary school and in the fall he will be a middle schooler :'(  When did he get so big?

Blurry, but you get the idea.  Boy is on the bottom row on the left.

Tomorrow my little boy will turn 11.  ELEVEN!  I almost can't believe it.  I want to wish my dear, sweet boy thee happiest of birthdays ever!  I pray that the Lord will bless you, Boy.  You are such a GREAT kid.  I know we butt heads sometimes and at times you don't think I'm being fair but I love you SO much and I want only the best things in life for you, Buddy.  Keep your eyes on the Lord and always know that I am here for you.  You will make mistakes (we all do) but I will love you regardless.  There is nothing you can do that could make me stop loving you.  You are the best son a mom could EVER have and I know that's the reason I never got another boy.  God knew that you were all the boy I would ever need!  I LOVE YOU BRANDON!!!  You make your mom so proud.

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y !!!

Thursday 21 June 2012

My Love/Hate Relationship With Field Trips

Who doesn't love a field trip, right?  I certainly do!  But, there are always things that factor in; Can I bring the younger kids along?  If I can't bring the littles, who will watch them?  Will I get the rowdy kids in my group?  What if they assign me a parent I don't care for? ;)  I've signed up and it's pouring rain, now what?  Have I gone on more trips with kid #1, #2 or #3?  Is that fair?  Etc, Etc, Etc.  So many factors!

I personally, got to go on many field trips this year... I consider myself VERY blessed to have gone along.  My mom has watched the littles for me on more than 1 occasion and my MIL (mother in law) has stepped in too.  There have also been many times the littles could come with me (because Nat has THEE WORLDS GREATEST TEACHER!!!).  And then there's my super duper hero of a husband that makes it work to squeeze at least 1 field trip in every year.  (have I ever told you how awesome my hubby is?  I'll have to make a post all about him one of these days too.  He really is a super hero)

But, for today I'll let the photos do the talking for me :) I have not 1 regret on any trip I've been on. It POURED rain for a couple, we had amazing weather for some, there were still some I missed, I was partnered with some AMAZING parents and even though I had a couple of rowdies a couple of times it was nothing I couldn't handle :)

 Above: The famous "Fall Leaves Day"  Where the kids all go to one of their classmates homes and rake leaves and eat hot dogs.  We ended up having a beautiful, dry day and it was SO much fun!  The point of this trip was to experience Fall and all the changes it brings.

Above: Blue Heron Nature Reserve.  I love this place.  It's located on South Sumas Road in Chilliwack.  If you like being outside and like doing fun stuff for free then I strongly suggest you take a visit here.  It POURED rain the ENTIRE time but it was so much fun and none of the kids spirits were dampened one bit.  The point of this trip was an end to the Bird unit the kids had been studying.  I was amazed at all the knowledge the kids had :)

Above:  Mill Lake Park.  We had a paper and pencil and had to find a bunch of different things as we walked around the park... for example: ducklings, a turtle, flower buds, etc.  The whole point of the trip was to explore God's creation in Springtime.  Another beautiful day and so so much fun!

Above:  THE ZOO!  Everyone loves the zoo.  It poured rain on the drive in... we were all a little worried.  The minute we pulled into the parking lot the rain let up and it didn't rain one more drop until the bus was loaded on the way home again.  THANK YOU LORD!  This was such a great day!

Above:  White Rock!  One of my favourite places.  We explored the beach, found all kinds of wonderful creatures, ate lunch on the beach and again had the most amazing weather!  This was a truly fabulous day!

Jarno was able to go on a trip with Boy to the Brittania Beach Mines.  Unfortunately, I have no photos to share of that but they both said it was a great time and a lot of learning and exploring was done.

I find it hard to juggle all the field trips throughout the school year plus having 3 kids at home still.  I love to go but it doesn't always work.  And having 3 kids in school this year some trips were overlapped too.  AND, they save all the trips for the last few weeks of school.  I feel like I haven't been home in weeks.  I am SO ready for summer break... 1 day left... 3 more lunches to make... I CAN DO THIS!!!

See you soon!

Monday 18 June 2012

Ode To Father's

Father's, like Mother's, DESERVE to be celebrated!  I think it's a pretty big deal.  If you stop and really think what your parents did for you when you were just a tiny newborn baby it's pretty amazing.  You couldn't feed yourself, you couldn't change your own diaper or pull the covers over yourself when you were cold, you weren't concerned where your next meal was coming from and how things were being paid for!  It's amazing when you really think about it.  Our parents literally kept us ALIVE in every sense of the word.  That deserves to be celebrated. 

So, confession time!  I don't (usually) enjoy Father's/Mother's Day.  WAIT... don't push the red x, let me explain... For Jarno and myself it is not a day to relax while your kids wait on you hand and foot.  It's not a day to sleep in and be pampered.  It's crazy, it's busy, it's chaotic. 

Usually, we wake up, daddy opens his gifts from the kids and homemade cards, etc, then we rush through breakfast, wipe up a pile of dirty faces and hands,  , the big kids can dress themselves but the little ones need a bit of help still, brush hair and teeth (note: not with the same brush), style and administer ponies, buns, clips, headbands, etc into 5 girls hair, do my makeup in the van on the way to church, enjoy the service (Father's/Mother's Day services are always nice), get home, WOLF DOWN some lunch, head to dad #1; coffee, visit, pack up kids, head to dad #2; coffee, visit, pack up kids, head to dad #3; coffee, visit, pack up VERY cranky kids, come home CRASH!!!!!

We love our dad's.  We WANT to celebrate them.  We love to visit them.  But it's too busy...

This year was a little different :)  My little sister (Hi Myranda!) married Jarno's little brother (Hi Randy!) and they had an adorable baby (Hi Kylee).  So when Myranda asked me if it would work for our schedule to have Kylee dedicated on Father's day and then have a party afterwards where all 3 dad's would be under the same roof, at the same time, with lunch, after going to their church it was an easy sell for me!  It was so wonderful.  We had a nice HOT breakfast that morning with all our sweet kidlets, (daddy opened his gifts the night before so that we could take a bit more time for that), then we peacefully got the kids ready for church WITH TIME TO SPARE, enjoyed a wonderful church service and got to witness in the dedication of our niece, went to a hall where lunch was waiting (pot luck style so everyone chipped in), visited with all our dads, didn't drag the kids anywhere extra, kids were GREAT, the whole time was great, left the hall, came home, RELAXED!!!  On Father's Day we RELAXED!!!  Oh the simple joy of it all.  It was a truly wonderful day and all the Father's that deserve to be celebrated... were!

But there really is ONE dad that takes the cake... I cannot get over how blessed my kids are to have SUCH a great daddy.  You can argue all you want but Jarno is the World's Greatest Dad!!!

I made Jarno a video for Father's Day but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it on here :(  I really want to show you.  Maybe I'll seek some outside help... stay tuned... hopefully.  Unless YOU know how to get a Windows Live Movie Maker movie on here?  I tried to upload it and it won't work.  But the video is necessary cuz it PROVES that Jarno is the World's Greatest Dad!

Anyway, happy reading... see you soon

Thursday 14 June 2012

A Real Quick Post

Okay , today's post will be short but sweet.  There are just some stories that are too cute to keep to myself. 

We've had jam packed days and very little down time in this house lately (I know 98% of you are nodding in agreement right now)  So, Tuesday night after dinner we took all the kidlets and walked across the border into the USA and walked to Edaleen Dairy.  It didn't take too long and our kids all love long walks anyways... it cost under $8 for 7 soft serve cones (that were oh so yummy)  It was a very fun, very inexpensive family fun time!

Then last night, we loaded up our van and headed south yet again to do our big Costco family grocery shop.  We go probably every 2-3 weeks, load up on groceries, get some gas, head home... crash!
The border line was not long at all (thank goodness) and we pull up to the window...

Border Guard: "Where you all headed?"
Jarno: "Down to Bellingham to get some groceries."
Border Guard:  "How many people on board?"
Jarno: "Eight."
Ashee:  "And we're all Christians."  (sung like a bird)

It was too sweet and too funny!  I might write an entire post on just Ashee one day.... she is our ball of fire.

6 more days of school ;)

Tuesday 12 June 2012


I have a total love/hate relationship with the month of June!  It's an expensive month, it's a crazy busy month.  End of school, Fathers Day, 2 birthdays in my immediate family, a baby dedication, small group year end, just to name a FEW!!!

I have been counting down the days of school since the beginning of May... I am one of those totally crazy weirdo moms that LOVE having my kids home!  I miss them... they leave me every morning at 7:05am to catch the bus and I don't see them again until a few minutes before 3:30pm.  I want them home.  I don't want to set the alarm.  I want to go to parks and play.  I want to swim at least once this summer.  I want to play after dinner and not be the fun ruiner telling everyone to go to bed.  I.Can't.Wait!

And I don't know about you but EVERYTHING happens in the last month of school.  Field trips, special lunches, fun days, birthday parties... I'm gonna need the break just as much as the kids do ;)
But every morning when my stupid trusty alarm clock goes off, I get my butt out of bed, rub my teeny tiny eyes and coax them to open, make my kiddies some breakfast and remind myself... 8 more mornings... 7 more mornings... 6 more mornings... I CAN DO THIS!!!  (if you haven't already figured this out I am soooo not a morning person, Jarno is enough of an MP for the both of us)

I love that the evenings are light late and I'm hoping for some real nice weather for at least a couple of weeks this summer... fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I will keep positive and find creative ways for my kids to have some fun...

Today's activity is 6 rubber gloves (from dollar store) filled with water (from the tap) a trampoline (from the trampoline place in Chilliwack) and a neighbour boy (from across the street)... you'd think these kids were at Disneyland!  Have I mentioned how much I love my kids?

How do YOU feel about June?

Monday 11 June 2012

A Nice Sunday Stroll...

Yesterday, we took out our girls (Boy was with his grandparents for the weekend) and went for a nice long walk along the dike in Sumas Prairie.  Although the sun never did make an apperance, I did manage to get a little color.  It was a beautiful time with our girls as we took in God's wonderful creation around us!


 I have a feeling there will be many many MANY more of these types of walks when we move!  Can't wait...